如何选择兼职 how to choose the part-time job?
as a college student, i want to make some little money, because i want to prove that i can live by my own as a grow-up. the part-time job is my best choice, because i have a lot of time and i can make use of it. but doing a part-time is not just to make money, but also to learn f..
婚姻与工作如何抉择?marriage or job, how to choose?
from the emergence of " marry-upon-graduation", and the 1970 s to be the maid of honor of 1980s, urban women’s marriage seemsovernight into the early bus. so, faced with more and more women accept theconcept of "early marriage", how to choose? different women havedifferent choic..
大学生如何选择自己的职业university students how to choose their own occupation
direction: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic choosing an occupation. you should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in chinese:1、职业的选择很重要2、如何明智的选择自己的职业3、你的职业选择。every individual faces ..